Rental Of Electric Scooters, Electric Wheelchairs, And Walkers.


Discover Mallorca with comfort and accessibility at Mobility Mallorca!

Our blog is your ultimate guide to exploring this beautiful Mediterranean island, specially tailored for individuals with reduced mobility. Dive into detailed articles about Mallorca’s most exciting destinations, from stunning beaches to charming picturesque villages. We offer helpful tips on the best times to visit the island, so you can make the most of your trip.

Additionally, on our blog, you’ll find valuable information on how to make the most of your travel experience with our mobility equipment rentals. Explore the advantages of having mobility scooters specially designed to navigate the narrow streets of old towns, as well as adapted cars that allow you to explore the island at your own pace and comfort.

At Mobility Mallorca, we’re passionate about offering you a barrier-free travel experience, where you can fully enjoy everything Mallorca has to offer. Join us on this exciting journey and discover a world of accessible possibilities on the beautiful island of Mallorca.

Welcome to Mobility Mallorca, where accessibility meets adventure!

Formulario de reserva

Si su lugar de entrega/recogida no está entre las zonas gratuitas, le enviaremos el coste adicional por correo electrónico o WhatsApp
* Campos obligatorios

Responsable: ADE ELEVATION, S.L.U
Finalidad: Responder a tu consulta y enviarte información útil sobre nuestros servicios.
Legitimación: Tu consentimiento a través de este formulario.
Destinatarios: No tenemos previsto ceder tus datos a terceros, salvo por obligación legal.
Derechos: Tienes derecho a acceder, rectificar, suprimir, portabilidad y oposición a tus datos. Los datos de contacto serán almacenados en nuestro proveedor de mailing.
Info adicional: Puedes consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos en el enlace al pie de esta página. Este sitio utiliza ReCAPTCHA v3 de Google. Puedes consultar su Política de Privacidad y las condiciones del servicio.

Reservation form

If your delivery/pickup location is not among the free zones, we will send you the additional cost by email or WhatsApp
* Required fields

Responsible: ADE ELEVATION, S.L.U.
Purpose: To respond to your query and send you useful information about our services.
Legitimation: Your consent through this form.
Recipients: We do not plan to transfer your data to third parties, except by legal obligation. 
Rights: You have the right to access, rectify, suppress, delete, transfer and oppose your data. Your contact details will be stored by our mailing provider. 
Additional Information: You can find additional and detailed information on data protection in the link at the bottom of this page. This site uses Google’s ReCAPTCHA v3. You can consult its privacy policy and terms of service.

Reservation form

If your delivery/pickup location is not among the free zones, we will send you the additional cost by email or WhatsApp
* Required fields

Responsible: ADE ELEVATION, S.L.U.
Purpose: To respond to your query and send you useful information about our services.
Legitimation: Your consent through this form.
Recipients: We do not plan to transfer your data to third parties, except by legal obligation. 
Rights: You have the right to access, rectify, suppress, delete, transfer and oppose your data. Your contact details will be stored by our mailing provider. 
Additional Information: You can find additional and detailed information on data protection in the link at the bottom of this page. This site uses Google’s ReCAPTCHA v3. You can consult its privacy policy and terms of service.

Reservation form

If your delivery/pickup location is not among the free zones, we will send you the additional cost by email or WhatsApp
* Required fields

Responsible: ADE ELEVATION, S.L.U.
Purpose: To respond to your query and send you useful information about our services.
Legitimation: Your consent through this form.
Recipients: We do not plan to transfer your data to third parties, except by legal obligation. 
Rights: You have the right to access, rectify, suppress, delete, transfer and oppose your data. Your contact details will be stored by our mailing provider. 
Additional Information: You can find additional and detailed information on data protection in the link at the bottom of this page. This site uses Google’s ReCAPTCHA v3. You can consult its privacy policy and terms of service.

Reservation form

If your delivery/pickup location is not among the free zones, we will send you the additional cost by email or WhatsApp
* Required fields

Responsible: ADE ELEVATION, S.L.U.
Purpose: To respond to your query and send you useful information about our services.
Legitimation: Your consent through this form.
Recipients: We do not plan to transfer your data to third parties, except by legal obligation. 
Rights: You have the right to access, rectify, suppress, delete, transfer and oppose your data. Your contact details will be stored by our mailing provider. 
Additional Information: You can find additional and detailed information on data protection in the link at the bottom of this page. This site uses Google’s ReCAPTCHA v3. You can consult its privacy policy and terms of service.

Reservation form

The price for delivery/pick-up with installation in Palma and nearby is €50. For other destinations, please contact us.
* Required fields

Responsible: ADE ELEVATION, S.L.U.
Purpose: To respond to your query and send you useful information about our services.
Legitimation: Your consent through this form.
Recipients: We do not plan to transfer your data to third parties, except by legal obligation. 
Rights: You have the right to access, rectify, suppress, delete, transfer and oppose your data. Your contact details will be stored by our mailing provider. 
Additional Information: You can find additional and detailed information on data protection in the link at the bottom of this page. This site uses Google’s ReCAPTCHA v3. You can consult its privacy policy and terms of service.

Reservation form

Delivery is free at the airport and at Mobility Mallorca stores during business hours. If you select another address or outside business hours, we will send you the additional cost by email or WhatsApp.
* Required fields

Responsible: ADE ELEVATION, S.L.U.
Purpose: To respond to your query and send you useful information about our services.
Legitimation: Your consent through this form.
Recipients: We do not plan to transfer your data to third parties, except by legal obligation. 
Rights: You have the right to access, rectify, suppress, delete, transfer and oppose your data. Your contact details will be stored by our mailing provider. 
Additional Information: You can find additional and detailed information on data protection in the link at the bottom of this page. This site uses Google’s ReCAPTCHA v3. You can consult its privacy policy and terms of service.

Reservation form

If your delivery/pickup location is not among the free zones, we will send you the additional cost by email or WhatsApp
* Required fields

Responsible: ADE ELEVATION, S.L.U.
Purpose: To respond to your query and send you useful information about our services.
Legitimation: Your consent through this form.
Recipients: We do not plan to transfer your data to third parties, except by legal obligation. 
Rights: You have the right to access, rectify, suppress, delete, transfer and oppose your data. Your contact details will be stored by our mailing provider. 
Additional Information: You can find additional and detailed information on data protection in the link at the bottom of this page. This site uses Google’s ReCAPTCHA v3. You can consult its privacy policy and terms of service.

Reservation form

If your delivery/pickup location is not among the free zones, we will send you the additional cost by email or WhatsApp
* Required fields

Responsible: ADE ELEVATION, S.L.U.
Purpose: To respond to your query and send you useful information about our services.
Legitimation: Your consent through this form.
Recipients: We do not plan to transfer your data to third parties, except by legal obligation. 
Rights: You have the right to access, rectify, suppress, delete, transfer and oppose your data. Your contact details will be stored by our mailing provider. 
Additional Information: You can find additional and detailed information on data protection in the link at the bottom of this page. This site uses Google’s ReCAPTCHA v3. You can consult its privacy policy and terms of service.

Reservation form

If your delivery/pickup location is not among the free zones, we will send you the additional cost by email or WhatsApp
* Required fields

Responsible: ADE ELEVATION, S.L.U.
Purpose: To respond to your query and send you useful information about our services.
Legitimation: Your consent through this form.
Recipients: We do not plan to transfer your data to third parties, except by legal obligation. 
Rights: You have the right to access, rectify, suppress, delete, transfer and oppose your data. Your contact details will be stored by our mailing provider. 
Additional Information: You can find additional and detailed information on data protection in the link at the bottom of this page. This site uses Google’s ReCAPTCHA v3. You can consult its privacy policy and terms of service.